Buy an Orseus financial annuity and solve your financial future once and for all. Look at the calculator below and set how much money you want to receive monthly. If you want to invest more than 50 thousand CZK, write to us first, we will give you 20% more shares! Follow your intuition when making decisions. If it makes you feel good, invest. We won't disappoint you.
545 investors, from cleaners, drivers, laborers to lawyers, judges, police officers and doctors, have already invested in the dream bonus financial annuity.
Set up your financial income according to how many people you need to support, or how much you afford to invest.
If you would like to invest more than 1 million CZK, then please contact us.
Frequently asked questions
Where will my finances go?
Finances are used for developing YeahCoach, for developing a mobile application and article content in YeahCoach.
When can I expect my first commission?
First commission are paid out now in the order of Krowns or 10 Krowns or 100 Krowns. It depends on how much you invest, how many supporting users register under all the states of UNITED, such will be commissions. To achieve the promises in the calculator above, United needs to have at least 1 million supporting users in 10 lines.
What is the investment guarantee?
YeahCoach is not a classic investment. You will buy a share in United. That means, that you are sharing with other investors the payout of the United position. We believe that the risks are minimal. We are not a fraud, we are not an airplane and we are not part of any trend. We do what has always been done - help, educate and payout. To summarise, you are taking a risk, but the investments are so low that it is worth it. The advantages is also that you are not investing in something that will be, but you are investing into something that already is.
What is the minimal amount to invest?
Now the minimal amount to invest in the order of units is 1000 CZK. see the calculator above. Adjust the slide and you will see!
Do I gain any advantages as an investor?
You have an Ambassador honorary membership worth 3600 CZK a month for free for an unlimited time! Just because of this it is worth investing.
Do you have any concrete time schedule of developing the application?
By the end of the year we would like to finish the website and make a mobile application, so that people can use YeahCoach offline.
Until when is it possible to invest?
We assume that in just a few weeks or months. Now we are dealing with partners and very well known global personalities. As soon as we sign a contract with one of them, for YeahCoach, this means absolute rapid prosperity and thus the end of small investment opportunities.
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