My education

Can you influence the circumstances of your life with your thoughts?

Do the circumstances of your life primarily affect your thoughts and how you feel or can you influence and create the circumstances of your life with your thoughts?

At the first possibility, probably everyone will say yes. We tend to react immediately and automatically, without thinking and unconsciously to everything that happens in our lives.

But what about the second option? I think there are people who have never heard of this possibility, then there are those who have heard of it, but they think it is stupid, others say it is probably true, but they do not practice it and then there are a fraction of those who practice it successfully.

We probably shouldn’t be surprised. We have been brought up like this since we were little from the leadership of school.

Listen to the word, do not have your own thoughts, do not question what the authority will say, react as quickly as possible and take a clear stand: Either this or that.

It is a so-called linear conception of the world - the Newtonian-Cartesian conception, which is still taught in schools as the only possible one. It is a world of cause and effect. A world that we can perceive with our senses. One where matter is separated (science is exploring here) and the doctrine of "bizarre" energies (science has left this for religion and spirituality). It means that we must first have tangible evidence in our lives, and only then can we act, think and feel according to it. It is a view of the world through the eyes of a "victim of circumstances."

  • So first someone has to be nice to me, praise me, tell me something nice or I have to succeed in order to feel happy and satisfied.
  • According to the laboratory results, the doctor must first confirm to me that I am healthy and only then can I feel and be like that.
  • First I have to have a certain amount of money in my account, only then can I feel rich, etc.

However, the current modern perception of the world is based on the knowledge of Albert Einstein, who stated that matter and energy interact. And that's exactly what quantum physics and the quantum concept of the world are based on. Finally, the latest discoveries in science (quantum physics, neuroscience, epigenetics) and, for example, Buddhism find common ground.

The quantum world is a world that we cannot contain with our senses, so it is difficult to grasp. It is a world of invisible energies which, although we do not see them, exist, they greatly influence us and we can influence them. We are all in an electromagnetic field.

You can imagine your idea as an electrical signal that we send to the outside world and your feeling as a magnet that attracts an event.

Simply put, it is a view of the world through the eyes of a "creator." Yes, we can consciously create our lives according to our ideas. And it's not a utopia, it's already scientifically proven. Scientific experiments have been carried out which have shown a change in the structure of water through the action of an idea, neuroscience has evidence of altered behavior of brain cells in meditation, etc.

The quantum world is a world of an infinite field of possibilities, from which we can choose the ones we like. It is necessary to get rid of those that block us and thanks to which we experience negative feelings and even illness. But most of us live by the options that were chosen for us as children. We are trapped in them and we think there is no escape from that prison. But there is a way out!

I'm not saying it's easy - why should it be? At least from the beginning, before you learn it, it's hard. But it gives us a wonderful opportunity to create and be the master of our lives. This is fantastically liberating and motivating.

The purpose of this article is not to teach you how to do it, that will be next time. The purpose is to make some of you wonder if you are able to accept that there may be something to it and to get those of you who agree to become intensely interested.

And yet only one small piece of advice at the end.

You can start right now with one little thing that has nothing to do with it at first glance and you can take it as a game with your brain: START DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAT IS NOT TYPICAL FOR YOU (for example, turn off the alarm clock in the morning with your other hand, have your morning coffee from another mug or just smile at someone practically for no reason).

And those who still think it's stupid, then don't say you didn't know about it.


Your Luďka


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