My education

Don't have money? Don't blame fate, It's your fault!

Are our debts predetermined by fate? Can the stars tells us, whether or not we will be in debt? You can have your own opinion, but here is my one little earthly experiment and with that a recommendation.

When I still worked in a bank as a director of debt recovery, every morning I would look at the members of my team, how they would start everyday the same way – with a horoscope in their hands. A colleague of mine fell in love with numerology and according to our date of birth she calculated our life number and predicted our future for the next ten years. This intrigued me. It was mainly how everybody's behavior changed after reading their horoscope, They would come to work in the morning full of energy and smiling, but after reading their horoscope which wrote that they should extremely careful and try to avoid conflict, they would stay inside their office all day so they wouldn’t have to see anyone. Then it occurred to me to connect the world of debtors with astrology and see how much can a person fit into a specific star sign – for example cancer, pisces, aries, etc. And how it effects their behavior in their economic lives.

I decided to do an experiment on 40,292 clients who had taken loans, but have been closed in the year 2007. I looked at the duration of the contract after five years – In order to find out how their payment behavior was and is. I purposefully picked loans, which the people were „young“ and were repayed in the so called biggest economic crisis. I separated the set of loans and clients into categories based on their astrological signs and by the state of their loans, Where the following indicators were monitored:

  • loan - is good
  • loan - had a problem
  • loan - has a problem
  • client paid off loan
  • client paid off loan after a problem
  • loan was written off due to unpaid debt

What where the results?

Now i will certainly disappoint everyone, who made excuses due to the adversity of fate, because the results of my experiment showed, that all of the groups were plus or minus the same. This means, that no zodiac sign is different from the others. And therefor I got these results:

Your economic fate is in your hands only and nobody else's 

If these statistics and calculations haven’t convinced you, then you should know, that even the results of numerology didn’t end up any differently. Let’s review the file of 40,000 loans (clients) through the life number of the client (numerological number corresponds to date of birth), hereditary number of the client (numerological number corresponds to surname) or the active number of the client (numerological number corresponds to first name) the calculations always come up with similar results. Our financial prosperity is solely up to us.

What does this mean?

If you are in trouble financially, you need to stop blaming it on fate and starting doing something to change it, ideally take that first imaginary step towards quality good financial education. Because that is what this article is essentially about.


We recommend you put aside 20% of your monthly financial income. Write it down in the YeahCoach habit tools to ensure you are successful.



Thank the author with credit
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