My education

Homeless boy and deaf mute man story

A young homeless boy met a deaf-mute man. The deaf-mute man changed the young boy's life for a few minutes. A short film that brings the world an interesting perspective.

The film with the workshops of a man who calls himself OMELETO points to the different life values of a healthy young homeless man and a deaf-mute man who got a little lost. Don't expect a fairy tale epic. No fairy tale. It is a real story of today's world. Seemingly ordinary, but if you understand it, it can be magical, reassuring, enlightening, quiet ... A film from the dark streets of the big city ...

"Sometimes you have more than you think. You just don't realize it. Fame and congratulations to those who understand."

If you keep a diary of gratitude, you will have a wonderful and rich life, no matter where you live and how much money you have in your bank account. With a diary of gratitude, it doesn't matter anymore. With a diary of gratitude, you will have more money than less. That's just the way it is.

Together stronger forever


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